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Si elegiste la adopción

Adoption changes lives

En Arca Luminosa tenemos una tripulación de peludos rescatados muy especial, todos nuestros animales son muy diferentes, pero todos tienen algo en común; sobrevivieron a un pasado triste y vulnerable. 
Ahora buscan una segunda oportunidad para toda su vida. Son perritos y gatitos unicos,  profundamente agradecidos. Tendrás en casa a un nuevo integrante
que de seguro cambiará tu vida.  

Cuando adoptas con Arca, estás salvando 2 vidas; la del peludito que acoges en tu hogar y la del nuevo rescate que podremos realizar gracias al cupo que deja tu nueva. 


If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

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If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

If you rescued a dog or cat in vulnerable condition; CONGRATULATIONS!

We appreciate and admire the work of all rescuers, so we want to share with you our adoption guide:



A set of tools that will allow you to carry out an excellent adoption process for the animal that you rescued. If you want to guarantee a good future for the dog/cat and really contribute to the fight against abandonment and animal abuse, it is extremely important to choose a good adoptive family, a family committed to care and love the pet for their entire lives. Also, it is your responsibility as a rescuer to guide and inform the adopters about the responsibilities of adopting.

¿sabes qué etapa se adapta
mejor a tu estilo de vida?






Sin duda los más tiernos y también los más traviesos! podrás disfrutar de sus etapas de crecimiento y desarrollo

hasta convertirse en adultos. Pero todo esto requiere de mucho esfuerzo, ya que ellos son como bebés; comen varias veces al día, orinan y defecan en todas partes, lloran, mastican objetos

de la casa. Por esta razón es muy importante tener claro que se necesita tiempo, paciencia, disciplina y mucha dedicación para que podamos educarlos de una manera correcta.

1-7 años





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Nuestra experiencia nos ha demostrado que un perro adulto es mucho más fácil de educar, ya pasaron su etapa de cachorros y se amoldan con facilidad a la vida con sus nuevos amos, no les cuesta aprender nuevos hábitos y reglas.  

La gran mayoría siguen siendo muy juguetones y no demandan tanta atención como un cachorro,  son más tranquilos y calmados.  Sabemos perfectamente su estatura, tamaño definitivo y carácter.


1-7 años





Ya están educados, saben que hacer y  cómo comportarse para convivir en armonía con la familia. Son perros maduros, amorosos y no requieren tanta actividad física como un cachorro o adulto. Son más calmados, dormilones y sedentarios,  por esta razón nos proporcionan más tiempo libre. Además, son muchísimo  más agradecidos  que un cachorro porque conocen el abandono.



8 años en adelante

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